Gender & Healing

Writings from Healing Literature

“We allow our ignorance to prevail upon us and make us think we can survive alone, alone in patches, alone in groups, alone in races, even alone in genders.” (Maya Angelou)

“Touching The World”

To change the World,
We must touch the heart of the matter,
What matters most to our human hearts?
Both men and women must do their part,
With tender touch, a new paradigm to impart,
As feminine balance engenders a promising fresh start.

In this our awaited promised land,
A woman’s love is so miraculous to understand.
A woman’s glance, gladdens the heart,
Her tender touch awakens the soul
Her caresses were created, for the body to know.

Her kiss can rekindle our muted spirits,
With kind words she reshapes emotions,
In-kind we recall true feminine devotions.
Such is her innate and divine presence,
A state of goodness, her loving essence.

Just as women have brought forth men to be,
Born out of this new balance, we are further set free.
Our entire environment is altered by her loving word,
Our touch can re-create a powerfully healed world.

“Blessed by Balance -II”

In securing the blessing of the feminine divine,
I was granted a peace so deep and sublime,
I was given forgiveness, without a need,
To submit to any dogma, or unclear creed.
A gift from the Goddess, blessing men with true bliss,
A birthright of the universe one need not miss.
With this new balance, of divine insight,
A female sanctuary fulfills humanities delight.

“Within Women, Warms The Winter Solstice”

W Women Wear Within, Wisdom’s Womb,
I Internally Inspired, Intuition Is Infused,
N Necessarily Nurturing Nucleus Needs.
T Two Terrestrials Tenderly Touch Their Temples,
E Ecstatically Emitting Eternal Embryonic Energy,
R Rotating Revolutions, Rendering Restful Renewals.

S Sacred Sexuality, Senses Symbiotic Satisfaction,
O Our Omnipresent Oneness, Oscillating Overhead.
L Lavishly Loving, Lushly Layered Latitudes,
S Supreme Sequences, Sowing Spiritual Seasons,
T Timely Testimony, Toward Timeless Truth,
I Incarnating Into Insightful Intelligence.
C Constant Co-Creation, Caresses Caring Cocoons,
E Effervescent Emanations, Empirically Everlasting.

Again, it is often in this darkest of days, where true light is best observed, as plain as the white snows lying before us.

Acknowledgment & Forgiveness

“Patriarchy Passing”

Centuries of Sorrow

A Pestilence to the planet,
The false pride of Presidents,
Premiers, and Prime ministers,
Ministering to those in power.
Popes and prelates also administer,
As Priest and Pastor suppress our sister,
Spinning sinister falsehoods that never flower,
Protecting the patriarchy from impenetrable towers.

Observing this old macho man stance,
Reveals an awkward solo dance,
Devoid of our feminine balance.
Thus the Patronizing fall from grace,
An apostasy to all, a humbling disgrace.

Preaching to all prelates, parsons, a papacy and more,
To honor the God and Goddess, our original harmony to restore.
Created in this union, forever from this love,
Remember our reunion, ordained eternally above.
Male re-construction of men’s powerful theology,
False pretense of an angry God, awaits an apology.
Self Destruction denies a loving God throughout history,
Reformation begs deliverance from our recurring misery.

This is true of the world’s many religions,
Well intended though they may have been,
Forfeiting the feminine divine for male legions,
Prostituting our Goddess for the sake of men.
We may at last end this futile path of death,
Renewing hearts with our loving breath.
Our Pardon will restore paradise to fruition,
As simple forgiveness, ends fruitless repetition.

In the beautiful balance of both Yin and Yang,
Men and Women are thus freed from all past pain.
As we break with this past, each shackle and chain,
As sacred creations, we sing our holy refrain;
A heavenly inheritance, bestowed in the creator’s name.

As a patriarchy passes, entering a maternal solution,
Our divine destiny of love, births a balanced resolution.
Love penetrates the discord of further outrage,
In one accord we release the wars that we wage.
Sweet chords diffuse anger with a loving tone,
With free will and forgiveness we thus atone,
Embracing all humankind, were no longer alone.

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