At the very least, I trust your visit to this web site will convey support for personal healing in a spirit of collective healing; hopefully providing you encouragement and new insights for what I call self-help-health care.
Enjoy your journey through this site, and your ongoing journey of lifelong healing and liberation.
Well, first and foremost, everyone needs some form of healing for some reason at potentially anytime in course of their life. The deeper answer however is found when I looked back upon my personal writings over the decades. From personal journals, poems, and random essays, I came to realize that I had unintentionally accumulated a thematic collection of perspectives on healing. Like anyone who has experienced serious illness, I realized that a gap of isolation often exists between our injury and the restoration of our health. This book endeavors to connect words to serve as a bridge to cross over this intimidating chasm.
When the time came to choose a web site domain, the simplicity of “Healing Literature” was my intuitive choice.
The most important premise of this web site and my book titled “The Paradigm Prophecies” (Reflections for Healing), is to pose questions about healing for the individual to answer themselves for their own benefit. By privately considering one’s responses, a process of UNDERSTANDING begins that can potentially launch us on a personal journey of discovery and revelation into the divine power within each of us.
The prose and poetry are written to convey many stories with potentially helpful perspectives about healing, but are intended to advance a particular viewpoint! The subject matterdoes not promote a philosophical, religious, political, economic, or social agenda. These divergent stories are presented only to help us listen and better understand other peoples real life circumstances and experiences. Hopefully these stories can prove beneficial to your own thoughts on healing ourselves and our world.If one can stay focused on the intentional simplicity of this purpose, more profound observations may begin to reveal themselves from within your being.